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Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Health Professions Educator

Culinary Nutrition Expert

Food & Culture Educator


reimagining nutrition to infuse fun, flavor, and culture in  every bite


Food is medicine ...
and should also taste good!

My work as a dietitian is rooted in empathy and empowerment. Simply put, I'm on a mission to help you “see nutrition differently.”  


Viewing health holistically, my approach is to find ways to ADD nutrition without sacrificing flavor. I truly believe in providing culturally humble care and see real value in your lived experience as a critical part of the care plan. With an inquisitive and open mindset, it is my goal to partner with you to clearly define your health goals, meet you where you are and emphasize small, sustainable changes.


As I guide you on your journey, I recognize that you are the ultimate decision-maker—after all, I may be a nutrition expert, but you're the expert on your own body


Ready to take your first step? Sign up to book an appointment.​


hey y'all

Hi, I'm Danielle! I'm a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Certified Health Education Specialist with over 8 years of experience working as a nutrition professional. I’m passionate about health advocacy. 


As a leader in the culinary nutrition space, I create engaging and informative environments where cultural foods can be discovered, shared, and enjoyed, helping you “see food differently.” My work is all about preserving cultural foodways and promoting the enjoyment of eating, one bite at a time. When I'm not working, I love exploring new cultures, enjoying music, and engaging with people. Let's connect and redefine the narrative around nutrition together!

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Bridging Nutrition Gaps & Empowering Inclusive Choices Helping you see nutrition                             


I am dedicated to bridging gaps in nutrition knowledge and fostering inclusive conversations about food and culture. My aim is to help individuals see nutrition from a fresh perspective, empowering them with the insights and understanding they need to make informed, healthier choices. Through personalization and a commitment to inclusivity, I strive to transform how nutrition is perceived and practiced, making it accessible and relevant to everyone.


I provide credible nutrition information and fresh insights in digestible formats to help others embrace these beliefs about nutrition:

As Seen + HEARD In

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GRAB A STOOL + join me at the

the kitchen counter

As a leader in the culinary nutrition space, I create engaging and informative environments where cultural foods can be discovered, savored, and enjoyed, helping you “see food differently.”


My work is all about preserving cultural foodways and promoting the enjoyment of eating. I aim to redefine the narrative around nutrition, encouraging everyone to indulge in and appreciate the diverse flavors of their heritage.


Follow along as I share inspiring stories live on instagram, one plate at a time.


work with me



Are you looking for a credible professional to answer questions on nutrition, culinary medicine, and health?​ â€‹

I work with media and brands to deliver evidence-based nutrition information through engaging and digestible content to provide the following​:

Let's keep the conversation going! 

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the teaching kitchen

In the Teaching Kitchen I emphasize a collaborative and inclusive environment. I take a backseat, allowing participants to lead by sharing their stories, culture, and heritage. This approach fosters a rich learning experience where everyone can contribute and grow together.

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